June 11

 According to Brian's doctor this early afternoon, Brian is overall at about the same level as yesterday, although his heart appears to be doing slightly better. He was given a pulmonary arterial catheter inserted in his neck to help the doctors better assess his heart. This is a diagnostic tool that will give more clear information on Brian's heart condition. The doctors would like to get Brian back on the ECMO machine he was originally on that just supported his lungs as soon as possible, if his heart is strong enough to allow it. His bilirubin level was at 11.5 mg/dL and his doctor expects that it will continue to rise for the next few days. His liver and kidneys are in poor condition. Liver enzymes are currently at 2800 which is extremely high as normal would be in the 30s-40s. The kidneys can at least continue to receive dialysis for support. Doctors have begun to lower his sedation as they would like to wake him up enough to be able to assess his neurological function. 

Brian's dad and stepmom arrived in Santa Clara early this afternoon. His brother arrived this evening. His mother and sister are traveling by car and will get to Santa Clara sometime tomorrow. Our two oldest who flew in yesterday accompanied me back to Sacramento for the day and will go back with me and our other two children tomorrow morning. 


  1. I pray for him by name! Hoping and praying that he pulls though

  2. So glad to hear his status has stabilized. What a terrible roller coaster ride you have to be stuck on! We love you guys and we love Brian. Our prayers continue


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