June 22

 Brian remains stable. His doctor is trying to more slowly lessen his sedation to see if he can get Brian awake enough to respond to commands. He isn't quite responsive yet. They are continuing to remove excess fluid from his body through dialysis. His doctor mentioned that there is excess fluid around Brian's heart and removing excess fluid, will, hopefully, help his heart function better. Currently, he is not on blood thinner medication. Efforts to stop bleeding in his throat appear to be holding up. His bilirubin level today is slightly down at 15. 


  1. Hang in there everyone! we are all continuing to pray for Brian and the entire family!

  2. And you will have confidence, because there is hope; you will be protected and take your rest in safety. Job 11:18 You are an amazing, strong, brave woman. Prayers for you, your family and for Brian.


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