June 7

 Today is the one-month mark since Brian entered the hospital with low oxygen levels due to Covid. Brian is stable and at about the same level as yesterday. His Tidal Volume ranged between 30-60 ML throughout the day. Although mostly heavily sedated, at one point, he was able to respond to commands by wiggling his toes and fingers. This lets his care team know that neurologically, Brian is doing well! Blood thinners were started overnight and he seemed to be doing well with no indication of excess bleeding from his nose and mouth. They are following his liver enzymes closely. His baseline levels are a bit higher than they would like to see. Hemotolgysts, however, did analyze his blood counts and said they felt he is okay. It appears that this is an area that they are going to monitor closely particularly since he has had some issues with his liver many years ago. Due to Brian having some issues with digesting his nutrition from the feeding tube, it was decided that Brian would begin getting IV food as a supplement to help keep his strength up. Overall, a good day!


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